Ratchasima SPP Expansion Project, Thailand
This methodology for biomass generation for export to the electricity grid was submitted at the 6th round of new methodologies in April 2004. The submission has now been approved as part of the “Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from biomass residues” ACM0006.
Shri Bajrang WHR CDM Project, India
This methodology for waste heat recovery in sponge iron plants was considered at the 15th Methodology Panel. The submission has now been approved as part of the “Consolidated baseline methodology for waste gas and/or heat for power generation”ACM0004.
ACC New Wadi Blended Cement Project, India
This methodology for blended cement production was considered at the 15th Methodology Panel. The submission has now been approved as part of the “Consolidated Baseline Methodology for Increasing the Blend in Cement Production” ACM0005.
Khon Kaen Fuel Ethanol Project, Thailand
This is a cutting edge methodology submission. To date, no large scale methodology exists for crop-based bio-fuel production and use. Bio-fuel CDM projects raise specific issues – the methodology includes a full life-cycle assessment (LCA) of GHG emissions from producing bio-ethanol, as well as detailed consideration of prevailing policies in the host country. Having been approved by the CDM methodologies panel, this submission is still going through the approval process due to issues raised by the CDM Executive Board.